Ice Maker Not Working? Figure Out The Root Cause And Fix It Today!

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Ice makers perfect solution to our summer ice needs, but after a long period of use, ice inevitably begins to cause a variety of problems, small problems do not ask for help, from clogging, alarms, and other common problems that cause the analysis to the correct solution to the demonstration of this article we will guide you step by step to correctly repair the ice makers.


  • Blocked Dispenser
  • Clogged Water Filter
  • Thermostat Set Too Low
  • Water Line Problems
  • Water Valve Issues

 PLEASE NOTE: There are many reasons why an ice maker may stop working. Ice makers are supplied with water through a small supply line from the refrigerator to a hose, funnel, or water filter. When the ice maker does not work, the fix is sometimes fairly simple and does not require the help of an appropriate professional. Remember always to unplug the refrigerator and turn off the water supply line before troubleshooting.

Blocked Dispenser:

The causes of clogged pipes may be:

(1)Body hose or expansion valve clogging: too much water leads to a slight ice jam, or the refrigeration system is clogged, resulting in insufficient cooling capacity.

(2)Throttle clogging: improper adjustment or clogging of the throttle valve, mainly due to ice clogging and dirty clogging.

(3)Evaporator clogging: the evaporator surface scaling, oil, or excessive accumulation of dust, the heat transfer effect is reduced.

(4)Ice bucket fine holes are blocked by ice: check whether the ice bucket fine holes are blocked by ice, and if necessary, clean up.


(1) Clearing clogged areas: Clogged body hoses or expansion valves, need to be cleared to ensure smooth water flow.

(2) Replace the throttle or clean the throttle: If the throttle is clogged, try cleaning the throttle or replacing it with a new one.

(3) Clean the evaporator: Clean the surface of the evaporator regularly to remove scale, grease, and accumulated dust to improve heat transfer.

(4) Clean the ice bucket fine holes: Check whether the ice bucket fine holes are blocked by ice and clean them if necessary.

(5) Check and repair the leaking parts: If the ice maker leaks, you need to check and repair the leaking parts to make sure the water circuit is smooth.

Clogged Water Filter:

The filter of an ice maker usually filters impurities and dirt from the water to ensure the quality of the ice produced. However, over time, more dirt and impurities can accumulate in the filter, leading to filter clogging. There are several reasons for filter clogging:


(1) Too much time in use: The filter of the ice maker will accumulate more impurities and dirt after a period, which will easily lead to the clogging of the filter.

(2) Bad water quality: The water quality is bad, the impurities and dirt in the water are, which will easily lead to filter clogging.

(3) Insufficient water inlet pressure: If the water pressure is insufficient, it may lead to the impurities and dirt in the filter can not be fully filtered, which will easily lead to filter clogging.


If we find that the filter of the ice maker is clogged, we can take the following measures:

(1) Replace the filter: when the filter is clogged, we can consider replacing the filter to ensure that the water quality is smooth and the ice maker is used normally.

(2) Clean the filter: Before replacing the filter, we can try to clean the filter to remove the clogged dirt to restore the normal function of the filter.

(3) Check the inlet pressure: regularly check the inlet pressure of the ice machine to ensure that the inlet pressure is sufficient to ensure that the filter can filter the impurities and dirt in the water normally.

Thermostat Set Too Low

An ice maker thermostat set too low may prevent the ice maker from working properly, which in turn affects ice making. The thermostat is a key component in controlling the internal temperature of the ice maker, and if it is set too low, the ice maker may not be able to reach the preset operating temperature, thus affecting the efficiency of ice making.


(1) Adjusting the thermostat setting: Firstly, the thermostat setting should be checked and adjusted appropriately to ensure that it is set within the appropriate temperature range to ensure that the ice maker can work properly.

(2) Check the power supply and voltage: At the same time, the power supply and voltage of the ice maker should also be checked to see if they are normal. Loose power plugs, broken power cords, or damaged power outlets, as well as stable voltage on the home circuit, may affect the proper functioning of the ice maker.

(3) Keep clean and maintain: Clean the inside and outside of the ice machine regularly to ensure good heat dissipation and to avoid the accumulation of dust or clogging of debris affecting the cooling effect of the ice machine.

(4) Avoid improper use: In daily use, attention should be paid to avoiding frequent opening and closing of the door of the ice machine, keeping the door seal tight, avoiding direct sunlight to the ice machine, and not placing the heat source near the ice machine, all these measures will help to keep the ice machine in good working condition.

(5) Professional maintenance: If none of the above measures can solve the problem, it may be necessary to contact professional maintenance personnel for inspection and maintenance to ensure that the ice machine can resume normal operation.

 Through the above methods, you can effectively solve the problem of abnormal working of the ice maker caused by the low thermostat setting, and ensure the normal operation of the ice maker and the efficiency of ice making. 

Water Line Problems

The ice maker mold won’t fill with water when its water line freezes. When you hear the ice maker cycling but it doesn’t produce any ice, check for a frozen fill tube in the freezer or ice maker compartment. Defrost the frozen water line and the ice maker will likely start working.


(1) Check the water supply source: Ensure that the water supply source is normal and provides sufficient water pressure. Check that the water supply valve is open and that the water supply is stable.

(2)Check the inlet pipe: Check that the inlet pipe is not blocked or obstructed. Check that the inlet hose is properly connected and make sure there are no leaks or loose ends.

(3) Clean Filter: If the ice maker has a filter at the water inlet, check and clean the filter. If the filter is clogged, it may cause poor water flow.

(4) Check Water Level Sensor: Verify that the water level sensor is working properly and is properly connected.

(5) Check the overflow tube: If the ice maker's overflow tube is clogged, it may also prevent water from entering the refrigerator. Check the overflow tube for any blockages and clean or repair it.

(6) Contact a service professional: If you still can't solve the problem after the above steps, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer of the ice maker or a service professional for more detailed help and guidance.

 Since each ice machine may be designed and constructed differently, the cause of the malfunction and the solution will vary. The above steps provide general troubleshooting methods, but specific operations should be adapted to the actual situation and specific model of the ice maker.

Water Valve Issues:

A broken water valve won’t open to fill the ice maker mold with water to produce ice. Also, a leaky water valve will cause the ice maker to overfill and the ice maker will likely jam when attempting to eject ice cubes. A leaky water valve can also cause the water fill line to freeze.


(1) Clogged water valve:

Cause: water impurities or scale build-up blocked the water valve.

Solution: Clean or replace the water valve, and check the water quality, if necessary, install a water filter.

(2)water valve solenoid coil damage:

Reason: The solenoid coil is aging or damaged, resulting in the valve can not be opened or closed properly.

Solution: Test the resistance value of the solenoid coil, if abnormal, replace the solenoid coil.

(3) power supply or control problems:

Cause: Poor power connection or control panel failure leads to the water valve does not work.

Solution: Check the power connection, fuse, and control panel to make sure the power supply is normal.

(4) Insufficient water pressure:

Cause: The water supply system water pressure is too low, resulting in the water valve can not open normally.

Solution: Check the water pressure of the water supply system and adjust or repair the water supply device if necessary.

(5) water valve aging or damage:

Reason: The internal parts of the water valve are worn out or damaged after long-term use.

Solution: Regularly check the working condition of the water valve and replace it with a new one if necessary.

 If the problem persists, contact professional maintenance personnel for an overhaul to ensure the normal operation of the ice machine.

 About us:

You can call on the Kismile brand, which specializes in quality appliances and offers top-notch service after the sale. We can provide you with the best quality machines , like ice makersfreezercoffee maker and help you maintain, clean or repair your home and kitchen appliances, and make sure it's not too loud. Toxic Stinger us for our extensive experience. And are dedicated to providing you with the best service possible.

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